Q & A

General Questions

What is this all about? Our public is curious, Some still are unconvinced, that you could ever get anything without purchase! Absolutely unheard of, and it carries a high probability of not being true! We’re doing what was once unimaginable! So far, there is no equal to “FREE

What does this mean for me, and my family?

You'll enjoy new events, foods, services, and other enticements. Free of purchase. We'll provide them.

How do I benefit from the power of "FREE"?

All, have access to be a recipient of our services, and likewise the ability to use our services, for their personal benefit. Just qualify and enjoy!

Is this an exclusively American Company?

Our offices are based in the U.S.A. However our reach is now global. Our design is to provide similar services throughout the free market world. Including many varied languages, cultures and peoples. Isn't this great?


Yes! Each offer is distinct. Our merchants are desirous of appealing to a specific demographic. They want you to know their product, or service. They want you to be their customer. Will you be their next lifelong customer? Let's see! Simply qualify and enjoy!

Not every everything that is presented on our platform is free of purchase. If it says “free of purchase", then it’s free. Our services are offered for profit, to primarily merchants, fundraising, and noted services. Find out how they apply, and choose what is in your best interest. Below is our Refund Policy for applicable services;

1) The purpose of this policy is to assure that your satisfaction is our top priority

2) Funds that are in our possession, prior to having been transferred, to any client of itsfree2you.com, any employed service used by itsfree2you.com, or any responsible government entity, that has attached to any funds once held by you, before having been distributed, to an affiliated company, or service, or governmental entity, or entitled recipient, those funds are subject to a full refund.

3) Our customers have 30 days from the time of receipt of any funds, to request a refund! Only applicable if the aforementioned requirements are met!

4) Customers can request a refund by sending an email to refundrequest@itsfree2you.com

5) Customers may expect to receive a refund, by our reversing the funds, to the method of payment originally used, or other agreed upon legal means.

6) Partial refunds, are issued under these circumstances. Anytime a charge(s) or fee(s) is assessed on your account prior to any refund, by a payment gateway company, a taxing agency, or other legal entity, local, national, or international government, your refund will be reduced by that fee(s), or charge(s) of the agency causing the charge(s). That fee(s) or charge(s) will be forwarded to the charging agency and will be explained in the partial refund notification.

7) Refunds are not granted, when any advertising option, plan, or service, has been published. Our,“Unring the bell” clause will take effect. Meaning that any offer, service, or advertising, promotion, that is published, or has now been released, viewed, and shown, to our audience, our agreed upon service has been performed, and there is no refund, whether it had been published for one day, or thirty days into any campaign.

8) Customers may reach out for assistance, by sending an email, stating a request for refund, to refundrequest@itsfree2you.com

9) We periodically review and update our refund policy, without prior notification. We advise you to visit and review our policy frequently.

10) It is our desire to provide you with a pleasant experience. Your comments are appreciated.

Payment Questions

What to expect?

As a "Gig" worker, you are independent and are not considered an employee, and  representing yourself as an employee, is prohibited. Our system is based on meritocracy, you will control the time you dedicate to promoting our services.  We are unable to guarantee specific results! Could this be worth your efforts?

How do I get paid?

For the most part, electronically. However steps can be made to satisfy optional payment methods, by making such arrangements with our offices at inception.


Our platform permits our sharing of incomes earned by affiliates of itsfree2you.com in the following manner;
First line representative, (that's you) will receive 45% of charges paid by any merchant obtained by the expressed efforts of the affiliate, (that's you) first time and residually. *See our policy for any clarification

How to get paid for someone that you've sponsored personally?

When you have sponsored someone to be your sub-affiliate, and they have caused the sale of services to any merchant, your commission is 10% of that sale, only. There are NO other commissions paid to you for their "downline". However it is also paid residually.* See our policy for clarification.

What is a Connect Account?

When you register as an affiliate of itsfree2you.com you can be connected to our payment gateway, from there you'll be able to receive your commissions electronically.

How To Get Connect Support?

Sign in, log in, properly register, and from there you are able to manage your account. Need help? Call or write, 1.559.749.8974, info@itsfree2you.com

How To Get Paid?

There are some restrictions that you should be aware of. They include limits placed upon our system by the payment gateway, local and state laws. Typically they delay pay on an average of two business days. Do your "due diligence" to satisfy yourself BEFORE voluntarily joining!

How To Get Paid More Effectively?

Learn the parameters of our system, then make adjustments so as to maximize the crediting of your account, more in line with your desires.

Even here, They will enjoy the power of FREE.

Terms That Help!

Entirely Free?

This means "Free of purchase". It does not mean that you do not have to "qualify" to receive the item, service, or any other offer.
If an offer is for a 10 year old child and you are 34, you will not "qualify".

What is an affiliate?

Any person who has registered and been approved to be an affiliate, who now advocates, promotes, and by doing so causes an advertiser to purchase services with itsfree2you.com, that person, group, organization, company, or corporation, when registered with itsfree2you.com, is considered an affiliate.

How Extensive?

When we established itsfree2you.com, we immediately noted how pervasive the desire to learn of what surrounds you goes unnoticed! However with the draw of "free" we've been able to allow the great variety of our planet the opportunity to discover what is right within their reach. Every country, every language, every people!

What is Intellectually Owned by itsfree2you.com?

Properties such as our name, itsfree2you.com is protected by U.S. law, regarding it to be peculiarly belonging to itsfree2you.com. Along with its trademarks, copyrighted images and phrases. These will include 2Lens, 2Fund, 2Niverse, 2Alerts, 2Hunts, 2Connect2, Trekta, and others.

How To Assure Respect for These?

They can be publicly known and sometimes adjusted without notice. Call or write for assurance. 1.559.749.8974, info@itsfree2you.com