Affiliate Program
New doors are sure to open when you join our affiliate program.

Q & A
This platform allows you the distinct ability to assume the affiliate category role that is best suited for your purpose (See "What Role Should I Choose)
-Corporate Affiliate
After having made your choice, register and allow for approval. You're on way!
Each person has a specific goal. Deciding which affiliate category best suits you, is simple!
Corporate Affiliate:
This category is for...(Example)
A large corporation elects to serve as an affiliate, and also may offer to each of its employees, a sub-affiliate role under their supervision. The corporation will receive their commission on those whom they may directly convince to purchase services from The corporation being responsible for the purchase.
They subsequently, will receive commission from their sub-affiliates for the purchasers of services caused by each of their sub-affiliate, individually.
Individual Affiliate:
This category is for...
An individual may serve as an affiliate simply by registration and approval. Some persons may be College Students, Pastors, Sports Groups, and a great variety of others. Thereafter, these may as an independent contractor, advocate, sponsor others, and when responsible for the successful purchase of services offered by, a commission is paid for that connection, and a qualification for residuals, in accord with policy is granted!
Likewise the ability to sponsor sub-affiliates is also granted in accord with our policy.
This category is for...
An Agency may be formed in the likeness of Century 21, or similar agency, that oversees individuals to collaborate in agreement, to cause the purchase of services offered by
The agency may be directly responsible for advocating the purchase of services, or may elect to share with sponsored sub-affiliates such rewards.
The same residual program is available in this instance.
Made your choice? Click HERE to register and get started, we'll see you over at the Affiliate Dashboard!
After having successfully registered, you now should learn our system, read and reread the pages of our website. With sufficient knowledge you''ll direct your audience to benefit from the many offers. Instruct them on how, and to whom they should publish their own promotions, and which of the various tools they should employ. Then become proficient at the same. Repeat!
When you as an approved affiliate, are the cause of an advertiser choosing to publish their offer with, after having paid for services, now qualifies you for a generous commission of 45%. Additionally you'll be entered into our residual program. Each time your advertiser pays their quota for services, you'll receive the same 45%.
There can be an additional 10% paid to you, from those who you sponsored as sub- affiliates, and of their personal volume, only.
This too, can qualify for residual commission.
Affiliate Opportunities
Start a business, fund your ministry, set aside extra cash for the arrival of that beautiful new baby, give to charity, pay off college debt or simply save up for a future goal. Whatever your dreams may be, we can help you reach them! Below are just a few examples of things you can do as an affiliate with us. The possibilites are, however, endless!
There are three stages of college life:
Before, during and after!
Stage 1:
At this stage, there is wonder. What are his talents, and leanings? Medical? Biological? Space? Start now to lay the foundation, manage the journey, and assure the outcomes. You can do that by simply involving yourselves, advocating for this platform, and amass the earnings needed to accomplish this specific purpose! Join as an affiliate, then advocate, tell a friend, and share in the outcomes provided by Easy? Maybe, but worthwhile, surely!
Stage 2:
This will not be easy. Why pretend! This stage is where you must manage mostly alone, where the decisions are now yours! There is a need to learn the physical landscape, as well as friends, studies, grades, tuition, lodging, books. There is help from the usual places, and now, can likewise help, how? Become an affiliate. Advocate, tell a friend, and gather the rewards that can make higher education easier to obtain!
Residuals will surely help! See our policy!
Stage 3:
This stage requires, grit and determination, to refund the sources of revenue that permitted you to fulfill the goal of higher education. More than 46 million new & former students are burdened with loan debt of more than 1.74 trillion U.S.D. It may take years to satisfy! Who will help to alleviate the weight of such pressure? Use this platform! Affiliate, advocate, promote, and tell a friend! We’ll reward you for your successful efforts. See our policy regarding residuals, you’ll like this!
Support for the the great mission. A replacement for the “tithe”? Who does this? We do!
Your Congregation has decided to send a member on a mission to sow the seeds of Christianity. Because of your approved affiliation, faithful members, those who are business owners, decide to place their advertising with
We can redirect the commissions that normally are reserved for a seller of services, if desired, these now can be directed to your missionary.
Members/Business Owners promotes their business, we promote the the missionary. Teamwork!
Now churches can expand, renovate, multiply!
Residuals, once thought to be impossible makes,
This is the Possible Mission!
“Yes! When you grow up, you’ll still be able to get it for free. I promise”.
These years will pass quickly. We suggest that as the advertiser of your family’s business that when you pay for services, maybe we can divert what will normally correspond to commissions for an affiliate, into a fund for future educational costs.
It may be possible even to choose the college beforehand and have it housed there, in the name of your beneficiary, so that when they arrive the funds for college are already paid!
Who does this? We Do!
Tools provided for our affiliates
These tools are unmatched anywhere on earth! Created as a serious opportunity for our affiliates. Not to better ourselves, only, but rather to enrich the lives of our affiliates, no matter their present day condition, or where they are on earth! Be one today! There is nothing like it! Use these tools to better yourselves, your families, your futures! Who does this? We do!
Augmented Reality
Learn what this is, Understand it. How can your customer use A.R. to stand out? Both you & your customer will be pleased.
GeoFencing Technology
Make this work for you! Learn what it is and how it can heavily influence those surrounding your customer's location.
GeoTargeting Technology
How can specifically targeting a unique audience provide the greatest benefit for your customer? Find out!
Geo-On-Premise Technology
With this additional tool, you'll be able to announce your customer's presence even down to the aisle, even the shelf, or even library book level.
Fifteen, Thirty, Sixty second, visual, and or voice, announcements inside any virtual geofence, repeatedly presenting your customer's offer. Find out!
Create for your customer, an amazing unforgettable alert, that will expose their treasured offers, when our audience enters their geofence. Find out how!
This connects your customer's offer to another merchant, then another's, then another's. Unheard of cooperation! No jealousy here!
Learn how to introduce others to form a part of your team. They will help you build your chances for success! Just don't leave this to chance!